Codependent or Loving? Part II

Dr. Anne Brown
Feb 24, 2022


Remember our question from Part One: “How do I know if I am acting codependent or loving?” Also, let’s review our definitions of “codependent” and “loving”:

Love: An intense feeling of deep affection. For the purpose of this article, we will include some more distinctions of love:

  • Brave
  • Kind
  • Trusting

Codependency: Codependency, for the purpose of this discussion, is a recognizable system of learned personality traits that negatively affect knowing one’s self and others. Codependents become dependent on “others’” approval and control the situation in order to get this approval. Codependents often avoid honesty and confrontation, which can enable abusive behavior. Thus, the codependent does not require the abusive person to change or improve. Read more here.

